Leopard Style
Of all the styles of Kung fu, the leopard, is by far one of the rarest. The leopard style is based on supreme agility. From the leopard we learn to master our muscles. The result of this type of training is muscle control, which paves the road to agility. Most often, when the untrained westerner hears the word muscle they think in terms of strength or “how much can you bench press?” Conversely, this is not at all the strong point of the leopard style. The leopard has such a degree of muscle control that makes its attacks lightning fast, yet hard enough to crush bone! In addition to this hard, lightning fast movement, the leopard has a very uncanny ability to slip through an opponents defenses, landing a fatal attack.
In combat, the leopard is remarkably devastating. Unleashing a deadly barrage of heavy, bone crushing attacks, that can come at blinding speeds. The leopard has an unlimited arsenal of destruction at its disposal. Its techniques include all the various types of leopard fists, such as the iron paws of death, as well as the fabled leopard claw which is capable of mauling an assailant. The impact of a well developed leopard fist/claw would be the equivalent of getting hit with a heavily swung base ball bat with large spikes in it, or more accurately, a heavy mace. This skill is developed by repeatedly striking a large, suspended bag of iron pellets. This is done for several years. Legendary results don’t come from regular training! The leopard also has a large arsenal of tree cracking kicks that can be fatal. A strong leopard kick would feel like a horse’s kick, which has an devastating effect. Just ask anyone who has survived a kick from a horse! In addition to these attacks, the leopard stylist can also employ unlimited knee and elbow attacks, grounded or airborne, as well as special climbing attacks.
The leopard expert is trained to attack the opponents arms and legs with extremely rapid strikes in succession, in addition, the leopard is very adroit at climbing up an opponent like a tree and then using all its weight and its dagger like claws, to pull the attacker down by the head, breaking the neck and finishing the kill. The leopard is all about speed and agility as well as heavy crushing power. It can also leap to remarkable heights, and can turn on a dime. With a full sense of muscle mastery, and an arsenal of bone crushing and mauling techniques, the agile leopard is armed to the teeth and can confidently come to blows with any opponent.
It is always a true blessing to find a sifu who is skilled in the leopard style and willing to teach. If the leopard style calls to you and you think you want to try, be forewarned, the amount of work is terrifying in terms of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exhaustion, and either it will transform you beyond what you could ever imagine, or break you and make you quit.
Have you got what it takes to be a leopard?