Tiger Style
The Tiger is an ancient and majestic creature of incredible power and strength. It uses its weight, momentum, and bones, combined with razor sharp claws and jaws to crush and mangle its opponent. A tiger is a very aggressive head on type of creature, yet it does not fight with clumsy brute strength, it uses controlled strength, with every ounce of primal skill at its disposal.
A tiger will never retreat, even in the face of death, it will viciously attack, even against a thousand adversaries. From the tiger we learn bravery, bone strength, tenacity and indomitable spirit. So how does one go about turning themselves into a tiger? The first thing is dedication and commitment first and foremost. Then a lot of strength training. Tons of various types of calisthenics, fingertip pushups, leaps, squats, stance holds, etc. Things that force extreme discipline. Through long rigorous hours of this type of regiment a pupil eventually, after several months, becomes strong enough to begin the next level.
The next phase consists of various types of basic hand and leg attacks. The student also begins the trade mark of tiger at this level, the claw. The claw is developed through exercises such as finger tip push ups, ripping at trees, carrying steel shot puts with the fingers and driving the claw into buckets filled with rocks and steel pellets. This is called iron palm training. The disciple of tiger slaps water and rock and hits lead filled bags and trees with his bones until the arms and legs are hard as iron pipes. At this level a student has not learned to fight against another opponent yet, even so, his body is hard as nails. He has developed basic tiger armor. Armor development and striking tough objects is a phase that lasts at least a couple of years. This stage prepares the disciple for martial combat.
The next level of tiger training involves specific tiger patterns or in other words, forms. Coupled with the martial applications of a multitude of fighting sets and sequences the practice of forms, over time, gives the disciple a vast knowledge of bone anatomy, joint manipulation or better said, how to completely rip an opponent apart! After many years, if trained properly, a disciple of tiger has enough strength in his claws to separate muscle from bone and tear it from the body.
The next level consists of exercising breath control and meditation as well as weapons training. A master of Tiger is just like a tiger in every way. He will even look like a tiger and he will have a straight to the point, no nonsense attitude in life.